Customized For Your Organization

Leading Through Communication
Management Empowerment & Organizational Restructuring
This program is designed for members of the organization who are in leadership positions. Individuals who have been recently promoted or are taking on new leadership responsibilities may be an ideal audience for this program. High performers who are likely to take on new leadership responsibilities in the future are also an ideal audience.
In order to remain competitive, organizations must challenge themselves to innovate their existing approaches to management and the development of human capital. Leaders must have the ability to listen effectively to their teams in an effort to provide them the support and resources they need. Leaders must also have the ability to deliver their messages in multiple modalities to ensure all team members understand the team's initiatives and visions. Leaders are expected to help grow the talent around them utilizing a range of mechanisms to accomplish that goal. Each of these responsibilities must be carried out using a strong set of foundational communication skills. Leaders must be able to adapt their style and delivery to match the audiences that they are engaging. They also must be able to craft their messages in dynamic ways to ensure they are clear and articulate while also creating opportunities for engagement and feedback.
This program aims to provide leaders an interactive learning workshop that delivers a strategic approach to effective managerial communication. Participants will receive a comprehensive overview of foundational communication theories that set the stage for almost all relative communication engagements. This highly interactive program, delivered by a highly experienced facilitator, will allow attendees to develop their understanding of leadership through the eyes of their peers and outline contemporary communication best practices. This workshop will promote effective managerial communication through self-reflection, critical thinking, and program-tailored activities. Participants will also learn tips and best practices for giving and receiving feedback as a leader, as well as approaches for mitigating relational challenges in the workplace.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year.
On-site training and development environment. It is best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 5-15 associates. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop or full day (8 hour) workshop.
Presenting in the Digital World
Seeing faces in digital spaces

This program is designed for all members of an organization who are utilizing digital video or digital teleconferencing systems (i.e. Zoom, WebEx, Skype for Business, GoToMeeting, Join.me, etc.)
Digital presentation and meeting channels have experienced tremendous growth and adoption over the past decade. Organizations were eager to adopt these platforms for their potential to increase efficiency and help connect remote team members and/or expand into new market segments. However, a majority of employees have yet to receive any formal training on the best practices associated with the unique digital video and interactive platforms. Furthermore, if digital video and interactive platforms are being adopted and utilized without the implementation of universal best practices, they may be creating challenges, instead of overcoming them. These digital programs have tremendous potential, but their use requires a new set of skills, and while some communication norms from offline engagements are transferable, individuals will also need to become keenly aware of new skills and best practices to take advantage of the technological affordances associated with these channels.
The primary aim of this workshop is to enhance each team member’s knowledge of digital presentation best practices using theoretically grounded approaches. The workshop will aim to develop each individual’s approach to effective digital presentation and engagement through a set of core communication theories and their application to the challenges of online/digital delivery. The workshop will cover best practices for presenting on camera, leading video meetings, producing short video tutorials that can help supplement presentations and/or provide dynamic information packages to help address questions from team members or customers. The workshop will also cover best practices related to the organization and structuring of digital engagements as well as tips for how to create meaningful online relationships within digital environments.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year. If an organization is adopting a new digital communication platform that may be an ideal time to offer the training.
On-site training and development environment. The program is best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop or full day (8 hour) workshop. To maximize opportunity for development and professional feedback the program may feature pre-work that attendees would complete prior to their participation in the workshop.

Presentations that POP!
Put the power of public speaking to work for you and your team
All members of the organization who deliver formal presentations. Individuals who are expected to deliver any type of presentation: team traction meetings, all-hands meetings, conference presentations, stakeholder presentations, information/education presentations, etc. This training and workshop is also ideal for high performing individuals who have limited presentation experience, but will likely evolve into a presenter's role in the future.
Effective presentations can have a tremendous impact on people and organizations. They provide the presenter a unique opportunity to create a compelling moment in time that has the power to share information, motivate others, transform thinking and leave audiences feeling invigorated. Unfortunately, presenters can also miss the mark and when they do, the impact can be rather detrimental, leaving audiences confused, bored, or uninspired.
Fortunately, there are methods and mechanisms that can help develop the skills of every presenter in your organization. Instead of relying on chance or innate skills, this program will help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop specific approaches to engaging a wide range of audiences. Using an audience centered approach, this workshop will help presenters increase their self-awareness which is the first step in delivering an engaging presentation. Next, attendees will engage the best practices of presentation delivery and receive feedback on their current style. Attendees will also learn the foundations of organization, as well as how to utilize the “and, but, therefore” method for creating compelling narratives for all types of presentations. The workshop will address different types of presentation styles and tips for engaging audience members, question and answer sessions, and special occasion delivery .The workshop will also address best practices associated with supplemental presentation materials.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year. If an organization has an upcoming tradeshow, conference, or event in which speakers will be featured, the workshop could be developed and delivered around that specific event.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop or full day (8 hour) workshop. To maximize the opportunity for development and professional feedback the program could feature a pre-work activity that attendees would complete prior to their participation in the workshop
Storytelling & the Power of Narrative
Use storytelling to empower team members, engage stakeholders, & express core values in memorable ways

This program is ideal for existing small groups (groups of approximately 5-15), as well as team leaders, managers, and/or executive leadership.
The power of storytelling transcends time and continues to be the most influential way humans connect with one another. Organizations rely on small teams or committees to carry out their primary projects and responsibilities. In order to be effective individuals within these teams must communicate consistently to coordinate their work. As a result, smalls teams are highly interdependent on each of the individuals in the team and their respective communication skills. If small groups do not share the same value or approach to communication it can make basic tasks far more challenging than they should be, and create relational dynamics that can burden the group and the organization.
This program is designed to help small groups process their daily communication exchanges in a more efficient and effective fashion. The program focuses on increasing self & social awareness, identifying social norms and expectations of the small group, aligning common values towards communication, and learning to give and receive constructive feedback. Utilize the values of effective storytelling to connect with new audiences, customers, stakeholders, and constituents in ways they’ll never forget.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year. If an organization is restructuring leadership or developing new teams, it may be ideal to offer this programing in conjunction with those transformations.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop. Potential for existing teams to enroll in the program as a group. The program can also be delivered as a formal seminar (2 hour) in which the best practices, theories, and approaches are presented.

Small Groups, Big Influences
Learn and apply small group communication strategies to improve group productivity and relationships
This program is ideal for existing teams (groups of approximately 5-15), as well as team leaders, and project managers.
Organizations rely on small teams or committees to carry out their primary projects and responsibilities. In order to be effective and efficient individuals within these teams must communicate consistently to coordinate their work. As a result, small teams are highly interdependent on each of the individuals in the team and their respective communication skills. If small groups do not share the same value or approach to communication it can make basic tasks far more challenging than they should be and create relational dynamics that can burden the group and the organization.
This program is designed to help small groups process their daily communication exchanges in a more efficient and effective fashion. The program focuses on increasing self & social awareness, identifying social norms and expectations of the small group, aligning common values towards communication, and learning to give and receive constructive feedback.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop. Potential for existing small groups to enroll in the program as a group. Program can also be delivered as a formal seminar (2 hour) in which the best practices, theories, and approaches are presented.
Maximizing Your Mentoring Program
Learn to invest in each other through effective relational communication strategies

Members of the organization that are involved in mentoring, whether as the mentor or mentee. This program can also be designed to help organizations develop and install new formal peer to peer mentoring programs if desired.
Mentoring programs hold tremendous potential, for the organization, for the mentor, and of course the mentee. Mentoring programs can help bridge generational gaps within organizations, a common and recurring challenge within many contemporary organizations. Mentoring can help develop mentees and pass along valuable knowledge and skill that is unlikely to be found in a textbook or learner manual. Mentoring also provides great purpose for the mentor, giving new life to their knowledge. However, mentoring is not something that just happens by pairing two people together. Even the most skilled associates are not always equipped with the knowledge on how to be an effective mentor.
This workshop/seminar will help lay the foundations necessary for an effective mentoring program. The mentor and mentee must share the same approach to communication with their relationship and this program will help to identify and define that approach. This program also seeks to engage attendees on strategies for effective listening and utilizing mechanisms for creating mutually beneficial outcomes.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year. If the organization begins new mentor/mentee relationships at a certain time during the year, the program could be implemented at that time. If an organization is instituting a new mentoring program the program could be delivered in conjunction with this initiative.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop or full day (8 hour) workshop. Potential for paired mentor/mentees to attend workshop together. Program can also be delivered as a formal seminar (2 hour) in which the best practices and approaches are engaged, allowing participants and leaders an opportunity to think critically about their mentoring programs and approaches.

Choosing the Right Channel
Stop flipping channels! A message is only as effective as its chosen medium.
Everyone in the organization who sends/receives information through a variety of communication channels. This program would be especially helpful for managers and team leaders to think critically about the way their teams utilize various communication channels and to design strategic plans for implementing greater efficiency in an effort to maximize communication while also minimizing clutter.
Effective communication begins with a clear self-perception, an accurate analysis of audience, and the selection of the best channel for the message to be engaged. Too often, we overlook the critical important of selecting the best channel for our messages, simply failing to recognize the norms or expectations associated with channels and choosing to just use the most convenient method available. Organizations send and receive a lot of critical information, but that doesn’t mean all information should be sent and received in the same fashion. Managers and team leaders need to be critical in their channel selection as the impact of their communications may only go as far as the channel allows. Most firms have a contemporary conundrum; employees are faced with an abundance of emails yet there is an absence of engagement.
This workshop/seminar aims to identify the specific norms surrounding today’s most commonly used communication channels and then take a critical analysis of how these norms and expectations are intentionally (or unintentionally) impacting day to day communications. Utilizing an audience centered approach, the workshop/seminar will then aim to help attendees develop a more thoughtful approach to their channel selection, in an effort to maximize message transfer processes as well as improve team dynamics and relationships.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year. Ideally offered at the beginning of a new quarter or during periods of transition in leadership or organizational structure.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Potential for larger seminars with groups up to 100. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop or quarter day (2 hour) seminar.
Strategic Vission Assessment & Alignment
Ensure your strategic vision is being communicated effectively

This is a GREAT session for organizations who have just undergone a merge/acquisition and want to ensure the leadership team is prepared to move forward with a singular vision and vision.
Organization’s require a clear and transparent approach to moving forward, which are often developed and implemented through strategic vision(s). It is critical that during the formation or re-evaluation process, that a strategic vision is clearly aligned with existing communication norms, expectations, and procedures. Values articulated in the strategic vision must be communicated appropriately if they are to produce the intended transformation.
This program will help to ensure alignment between a strategic vision and communication process. Further, it will develop each team members’ ability to apply appropriate communications that help follow through on the intended vision. This program is also designed for growth or adaption of the strategic vision in instances where a mis-alignment is identified within existing processes or procedures.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year. Ideally offered at the outset of developing a new strategic vision or when a strategic vision is in need of revision.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as a half day (4 hour) or quarter day (2 hour) workshop.

Recruitment & Retention
Investing in your future, by communicating your values more effectively today
Everyone in the organization who is responsible for recruiting or retaining talent. This includes members of human resources & marketing as well as all levels of management.
Recruiting the next great team member starts with a clear understanding of the organization’s values and vision for the future. Identifying and ensuring that all members of the organization share the same value and vision is critical to the hiring process. External communications must be centered and aligned to ensure that the story your organization is telling is the right one and will be effective at engaging and attracting the type of individual you are seeking. Retention requires employees to clearly understand what opportunities for growth are available and what development plans are in place to help them engage these opportunities. Training and development programs from external resources send a clear message to current employees that you value their development and by providing development opportunities you expect to see them apply these new attitudes, emotions, and skills in their day to day engagements.
The program can be implemented at any time throughout the year.
On-site training and development environment. Best delivered as an interactive workshop amongst groups of approximately 15-20 associates. Potential for larger seminars with groups up to 50. Appropriate for a half day (4 hour) workshop or quarter day (2 hour) seminar.